Its taken a while to get there but we've finally got the new Camel 1.3.0 Release out of the door which includes 208 new features, improvements and bug fixes described below. Also as David has blogged recently we've MSMQ support now along with Esper and an Esper Demo. Many thanks to all those who helped ride this beast out the door. Enjoy!
- improved Bean Integration
- improved testing via Spring Testing along with the Mock, Test, DataSet components
- browsing of endpoints via the BrowsableEndpoint with support in the JMS, List, Mock, SEDA and VM components
- improved support for message exchange patterns such as InOut for JMS
- various improvements in CXF, iBatis, Jetty, MINA components
- improved XPath and XQuery support in Spring XML and with easier namespace configuration
- default to more efficient JMS usage when working with Spring 2.5.x to avoid a previous Spring bug
- various improvements in the DSL and with error handling
- improved automatic Type Converter implementations
- method invocations now supported in EL expressions
- CXF transport API
now supported in CXF component, you could leverage the power of Camel mediation in Apache CXF
New Components
- DataSet for easier load testing
- JCR for JSR 170 support
- List for UI and tooling integration
- Stream for working with input/output streams
- Test for easier functional testing
- XQuery for easy XQuery based transforms for Templating
New Data Formats
New Languages
New Enterprise Integration Patterns
Please see Release Notes for more details. Download it now while is hot to trot!
Thanks, Camel is cool. I hope you could also release an update for ActiveMQ 5.0. The current version is very buggy. The fixes are only in the nightly build (or in FUSE Message Broker). When will you release ActiveMQ 5.0.1/5.1?
Now that Camel 1.3.0 is out we should hopefully be able to release Apache ActiveMQ 5.1.0 pretty soon now I hope
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