Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Demo of Fuse 6.1 with Apache Camel and hawtio on OpenShift

Here's a screencast showing how to get started using JBoss Fuse 6.1 Early Access release on OpenShift for creating integration solutions based on Apache Camel in the hybrid cloud (via OpenShift Online for the public cloud or OpenShift Enterprise for on premise, or a combination of both).

JBoss Fuse 6.1 Early Access from JBoss Developer on Vimeo.

Watch it on vimeo for the HD version.

The screencast shows how to create and deploy EIP flows; change them, make rolling upgrades and visualise whats happening all from your web browser via the Fuse Console; which is implemented completely using the open source project hawtio.

If you want to try it out for yourself (everyone gets 3 free gears on OpenShift online!), try this quickstart or see the more detailed instructions.

I hope to create many more videos soon; showing many other aspects of Fuse on OpenShift (like creating A-MQ topologies, getting insight into whats really happening via ElasticSearch and the API registry support among others). Until then, enjoy! Feedback always appreciated.