Monday 14 November 2011

Scalate 1.5.3 Released

The Scalate team is pleased to announce the availability of Scalate 1.5.3

Scalate is a Scala 2.9.1 based template engine which can be used stand alone, with servlets or web frameworks like JAXRSLift or Play or in integration frameworks like Apache Camel.

The following template languages are supported through the same common API:

  • Ssp which is like a Scala version of Velocity, JSP or Erb from Rails
  • Scaml which is a Scala dialect of Haml for very DRY markup along with the Jade syntax
  • Mustache which is a Scala dialect of Mustache for logic-less templates which also work inside the browser using mustache.js

All expressions inside SspScaml and Jade benefit from the full power and expressiveness of Scala plus they are typesafe and checked at edit/compile time to ensure you don't leave any mistakes in your templates.

Scalate 1.5.3 Highlights

  • Scalate now uses the Scala Presentation Compiler to boost performance of template compilation 3-10X
  • Support for compiling stand alone CoffeeScript files on the server, CoffeeScript filters and various CoffeeScript related bug fixes
  • pure Java API to working with Scalate

For more detail see the Full Change Log

Feedback is always welcome!

Posted via email from

Saturday 10 September 2011

Scalate 1.5.2 Released

The Scalate team is pleased to announce the availability of Scalate 1.5.2

Scalate is a Scala 2.9.1 based template engine which can be used stand alone, with servlets or web frameworks like JAXRSLift or Play or in integration frameworks like Apache Camel.

The following template languages are supported through the same common API:

  • Ssp which is like a Scala version of Velocity, JSP or Erb from Rails
  • Scaml which is a Scala dialect of Haml for very DRY markup along with the 
  • Jade for even more DRY Scaml
  • Mustache which is a Scala dialect of Mustache for logic-less templates which also work inside the browser using mustache.js

All expressions inside SspScaml and Jade benefit from the full power and expressiveness of Scala plus they are typesafe and checked at edit/compile time to ensure you don't leave any mistakes in your templates.

Scalate 1.5.2 Highlights

  • Server side compilation of CoffeeScript in the :coffeescript filter - many thanks for the patch Dag!
  • Provide a Scala 2.8.1 distribution of Scalate (version 1.5.2-scala_2.8.1) for easier Play integration and working with other Scala 2.8.x projects.
  • Minor improvements in the use of the ScalaCompiler to make it easier to support Lifty as a plugin inside SBT - thanks for the help and welcome to the team Mads
  • Fixed #260 : Scalate distro does not include all the jars required for textile support

For more detail see the Full Change Log

Feedback is always welcome!

Posted via email from

Friday 17 June 2011

CamelOne and Scala eXchange were awesome!

Its been a busy few weeks lately! 3 weeks ago we had CamelOne which was a really great conference; one of the best I've been to for a while. Great talks & conversations - loads of energy around the Apache Camel community. I'm already looking forward to the next one! We should have the various presentations from it online.

I got the chance to demo the new beta of Fuse IDE which is coming out soon; its packed with some really awesome features for working with ActiveMQ, Camel and ServiceMix. We're hard at work getting that ready...

Then yesterday I had the pleasure of giving the day 2 keynote at Scala eXchange in London. I had heaps of fun, met loads of the Scala folks I've only met online before (including Martin, finally!) & even managed to get a few laughs in my talk (mostly at JSPs expense I think :). It was a very similar conference to CamelOne in many ways; heaps of fun, loads of energy & passion around and lots of fun was had by all.

My keynote was on the Scalate template engine; there's details here or go straight to the slides or video. The samples I used in the talk are in github.

Friday 20 May 2011

CamelOne, Fuse IDE, Fuse Fabric, oh my...

I've been way too busy to blog for a while; will try to do better going forward.

A little while ago we released the GA version of Fuse IDE; folks seem to really like it. If you use Apache Camel I highly recommend you try it out - also check out Jon's recent article on it.

Since then we've been working hard on a bunch of cool new features for it; we'll be releasing the 1.2 beta next month & its gonna rock even more :). I'm hoping to demo some of the newer features of Fuse IDE in my keynote at next weeks CamelOne conference.

In parallel we've been working hard on Fuse Fabric, open source software for weaving your application containers into an easy to configure, provision and manage system. Have a browse of the user guide if you want to know more.

Hopefully see you in Washington DC at CamelOne next week?

Friday 4 March 2011

speaking at QCon, TSSJS, CamelOne, Scala eXchange, oh my

I've a fairly busy speaking time coming up in the next couple of months. Here's my current schedule...
More details of other FuseSource folks speaking here. If you're going to be at any of these conferences it'd be good to meet up and say hi!

Thursday 10 February 2011

Scalate 1.4.0 Released

The Scalate team is pleased to announce the availability of Scalate 1.4.0

Scalate is a Scala 2.8.1 based template engine which can be used stand alone, with servlets or web frameworks like JAXRSLift or Play or in integration frameworks like Apache Camel.

The following template languages are supported through the same common API:

  • Ssp which is like a Scala version of Velocity, JSP or Erb from Rails
  • Scaml which is a Scala dialect of Haml for very DRY markup along with the Jade syntax
  • Mustache which is a Scala dialect of Mustache for logic-less templates which also work inside the browser using mustache.js

All expressions inside SspScaml and Jade benefit from the full power and expressiveness of Scala plus they are typesafe and checked at edit/compile time to ensure you don't leave any mistakes in your templates.

Scalate 1.4.0 Highlights

For more detail see the Full Change Log

Feedback is always welcome!

Posted via email from

Friday 28 January 2011

Wanna try our Apache Camel developer tools for Enterprise Integration Patterns?

When I first created Apache Camel one of my design goals was to let folks describe the Enterprise Integration Patterns as easily as possible using concise and declarative domain specific languages instead of reams of confusing opaque bean configurations.  So whichever the developer prefers, a DSL in Java, XML, Scala, Groovy, Ruby etc. It was always part of the plan to actually have a visual domain specific language too and we've finally created one.

We're just starting the public beta of Fuse IDE for Camel, our Eclipse tool suite that lets you visually create, edit and configure Enterprise Integration Patterns easily using Apache Camel and its huge selection of patterns and components.

If you use Apache Camel or have always meant to give it a try then please install it, take it for a spin and see what you think. We'd love to hear your feedback on the tool & how we can improve it!

We've lots of things planned for the tool; this is just the beginning...